![Marcella Campa](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/ac02c986cf306a0f0f40735704a37eff/bf84c44c-1957-4786-b618-f8750df86ef4_rw_1920.jpg?h=adc1db2ca240ee0deb6e512ec8278a0a)
Marcella Campa
![Stefano Avesani](https://cdn.myportfolio.com/ac02c986cf306a0f0f40735704a37eff/a6cd70ff-185f-46ba-8686-08f9c250f6a2_rw_1920.jpg?h=9e3daf7f61c476928c7f452d29dc72e0)
INSTANT HUTONG is a Beijing based art project which since 12 years is investigating urban and social aspects of the contemporary Chinese city. INSTANT HUTONG proposes a series of micro-urbanism interactions to define new ways for reinterpreting the urban landscape. By combining different media, we create inspirational and playful interventions, ranging from emotional and colorful art installations to participatory performances. 我们的研究探讨中国急剧都市化的进程,专注于日常环境的社会和物理层面之间的关系,并试图找寻重新解读都市景观的不同方法。对我们而言,城市的面貌是人们与其栖息地相互作用所形成的。都市分析为研究居住者和他们的生活方式提供了一种更为深刻,街头式的方法,体验、时间、路径、观察、偶遇和想法最终变得和建筑环境一样重要。我们希望用“微观城市互动”来表述我们的创作,它提出这样一种可能性,将小规模的都市空间临时用作公共平台,在这个平台上,观众的反应成为事件的主体。 ______ 马吃辣,思凡诺 ABOUT US Marcella Campa and Stefano Avesani are Italian architects living in China. They like to walk trough the Chinese streets and get inspired by the diversity and density of the details of everyday life. They combine those interests and their background, adding colors and creativity to their design. They are founders of INSTANT HUTONG project and partners at RAMOPRIMO, design studio working on architectural projects of different scales. INSTANT HUTONG has won awards and recognitions and has participated in exhibitions worldwide, such as the Venice Art Biennale and the Triennale of Architecture in Lisbon. 马吃辣和思凡诺毕业于意大利威尼斯建筑学院。自2003年以来就开始研究中国城市都市化进程和城市的变化。他们2005年因关于北京和上海老城区的双人项目获得“全球建筑毕业设计大奖”(Archiprix International)。2005年10月他们移居中国开始“速溶胡同”项目,并多次参加中国和国际展览。马吃辣2010年获彼洛克-克拉斯那基金会(Pollock-Krasner Foundation)资助。他们现居住在北京。 many thanks to all the incredible friends and collectors who helped us keep this project alive