artists Marcella Campa, Stefano Avesani design team Marcella Campa, Stefano Avesani, Huo Ran 霍燃, Lisa Montanari, Zhao Xinyi 赵心怡, Giacomo Squaquara location Beijing Sanlitun China function facade design, public art installation area 1000 sqm type Built client HARMAY year 2020 photo Steven Sun
White Winter is a public seasonal installation for HARMAY on display from early December 2019 till the end of February 2020. The installation recreates an habitat in-between a quiet and snowy winter landscape and a conceptual meditative zen garden to rest the mind. It features a large carpet of over 50 tons of white quartz pebbles, dotted with around 100 pine trees. Three chrome tube-shaped pavilions, emitting a faint light, will engage people to interact, move around and discover. HARMAY – 白色冬季景观装置 白色冬季是为HARMAY打造的临时装置并在2019年十二月至2020年二月之间展出。该装置在城市中打造了静谧且充满禅意的冬季雪景,为往来的行人提供了放松身心的可能性。整体由超过50吨的白色石英砂覆盖地面,并由100颗左右的云杉树点缀其中。三根镀锌波纹管以小屋般的姿态出现,管道内部点缀有柔和灯光,面对观者发出了探索和交互的邀请。